WEBINAR | Natural Capital: How important are nature-based solutions in the response to climate change?
KEYNOTE WEBINAR | Thu 9th Nov 2023 11:00-11:40. WATCH ON-DEMAND.
In the UK and indeed globally there is growing interest in ‘nature-positive’ infrastructure development to help drive change in the sector. These nature-based solutions have the potential to complement, or in some cases, even replace traditional or ‘grey’ infrastructure and help combat climate change and enable countries to meet net zero targets. Faced with a dual threat of climate change and global biodiversity loss, infrastructure developers, designers and providers are under growing pressure to move from ‘no net loss’ to ‘nature-positive’ infrastructure development. Our panellists in this session will take a look at all that and examine the importance of nature-based solutions and the key role they can play in responding to climate change. Ed Beard, assistant director at the National Infrastructure Commission, will set out the NIC’s view of priorities for climate change adaptation including highlights from its Surface Water Flooding study published in 2022 and the second National Infrastructure Assessment published on 18 October 2023. John Halsall, an environmental lead at Amey, will look at how we can effectively build in climate resilience, reduced embodied and operational carbon and creation of legacy for communities through nature-based solutions and examine how infrastructure owners like National Highways and Network Rail can accelerate actions in addressing global mega trends. Eleanor Harris, natural capital and carbon leader at Galbraith, will talk about the Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland (FIRNS) initiative which addresses one of the key natural capital questions – how to fund change? Eleanor will outline the range of approaches being taken, including in her own FIRNS project.