Live interviews to explore climate leadership
Tue 7th Nov 09:00 GMT >
Andy Walker will be interviewing leading figures around the topic of climate leadership. What does it mean? Why is it important? How do climate leaders view the world today? Can one person make an impact? A real deep dive into the topic. All of the interviews include a Q&A where online delegates can put their own questions to the interviewees.
Interview with Zion Lights, Founder, Emergency Reactor. Tue 7th Nov 09:00 – 09:30 GMT.
In the first of our series of morning leadership interviews, Andy Walker from Climate Perspectives will talk to Zion Lights about leadership and why it matters in the fight against climate change? How can individuals make a difference and what are the key challenges facing sustainability leaders? Zion is an internationally sought-after speaker on science communication and environmental activism. She has a long history of environmental and science writing and has written for many national newspapers and magazines. Zion has been involved in climate action for over a decade. She played a core role in Extinction Rebellion’s UK media and messaging team where she founded the climate reporting newspaper The Hourglass and became a high-profile spokesperson for the campaign group.

Interview with Adrian Del Maestro, Global Energy Advisory Lead, AECOM. Tue 7th Nov 10:00 – 10:30 GMT.
In this second Climate Perspectives interview, Andy Walker will interview AECOM’s global energy advisory lead Adrian Del Maestro about leadership in his sector and amongst wider audiences. At AECOM, Adrian advises a portfolio of clients ranging from utilities, oil and gas companies to low carbon players, start-ups and investors and covers a range of areas including low carbon investments (such as EV charging, hydrogen and carbon capture), energy security, ESG and navigating the energy transition. As a result, he’s well placed to discuss leadership and address key questions. Those questions include – What are the key challenges in combatting the climate crisis and meeting net zero targets? Will economic challenges derail our efforts to do the right thing? Is there a danger that the government/s will backtrack on their commitments in the face of economic challenges? Is industry doing enough? Will the skills and resources gap be an impediment to combatting climate change?

Interview with Tom Burke, Co-founder & Chair, E3G. Tue 7th Nov 11:00 – 11:30 GMT.
Our third Climate Perspectives leadership interview features Tom Burke, the co-founder and chair of E3G, the climate change think tank. E3G is an independent climate change think tank with a global outlook and works on the frontier of the climate landscape tackling the barriers and advancing the solutions to a safe climate. Given that E3G’s goal is to translate climate politics, economics and policies into action, Tom Burke is ideally placed to offer his thoughts on climate leadership. As someone who has been a senior environmental advisor in government and business and who ran the Green Alliance and Friends of the Earth earlier in his career, Tom’s thoughts should be well worth listening to.