• NetZeroWeek
KEYNOTE WEBINAR, 10th July | Reimagining Urban Landscapes: From Grey Spaces to Green Places

KEYNOTE WEBINAR, 10th July | Reimagining Urban Landscapes: From Grey Spaces to Green Places

Wednesday 10th July 2024, 10:00 – 10:50 BST.



Synopsis: Join us for an insightful webinar featuring three distinguished experts in the field of sustainable urban development, as they discuss innovative approaches to creating climate-resilient, nature-led communities. Andrew Gladstone-Heighton, Policy Manager, ACE, will discuss the forthcoming publication “Grey Spaces to Green Places,” showcasing a bold, community-led vision of placemaking that aims to transform the UK’s urban landscapes into greener, better-connected areas that foster resilience and community well-being. Tim Bevan, Head of Standards Operations, Building with Nature, will address the UK’s ecological and climate emergencies, advocating for the integration of green infrastructure into our built environment. He will explain how this approach can meet health and social needs while benefiting both people and wildlife, helping to mitigate the ongoing crisis. Robin Tucker, Co-Chair, Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel, will provide insights on the traffic revolution in Oxford, highlighting the global controversy over traffic filters and the complex interplay of local concerns and vested interests. This example underscores the challenges and opportunities of implementing effective climate actions over the next 25 years. Join us for an insightful webinar with three experts discussing innovative approaches to creating climate-resilient, nature-led communities. Josh Matthews will explore the opportunity for local authorities to develop a roadmap for sustainability. He will discuss how a scalable template can help governments address challenges in funding, care, education, and housing. Matthews will propose that capable councils leverage their strengths to solve various issues and share expertise, creating a crucial positive tipping point for future sustainability efforts.

Chair, Andy Walker, Net Zero Week.


Andrew Gladstone-Heighton, Policy Manager, Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE).

Biog, I am the Policy Manager at ACE and have worked with the organisation for nearly 2 years now. I am passionate about my home in the North East and use this drive to advocate for regional development and opportunity across the UK. Working with ACE members, we help shape policy and decisions made by government and stakeholders to promote sustainable and inclusive development. I’ve been in policy for around 15 years, both at the North East Combined Authority shaping and rolling out their Skills Strategy for the region, and before that working in Further Education policy, advocating for technical education that drives opportunity and aspiration of learners of all ages.

Tim Bevan, Head of Standards Operations, Building with Nature (Sintali).

Biog, Tim started his career in 2000 at BRE’s Centre for Sustainable Construction, working on the development and operation of BREEAM, the Code for Sustainable Homes and CEEQUAL standards. During this time Tim was influential in steering the application of, and certification to, these standards on thousands of developments across the World. In 2021 Tim joined Building with Nature, bringing his expertise to the world of green infrastructure, and in 2024 Building with Nature joined Sintali Ltd, a UK-based leader in the development of sustainability standards, where Tim now works as Head of Standards Operations. In his spare time Tim enjoys spending time with family, trail running, playing football and watching his local team, Forest Green Rovers FC. 

Robin Tucker, Co-Chair of the Oxford UK based Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel (COHSAT).

Biog, Robin Tucker is a Co-Chair of the Oxford UK based Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel. He is a Trustee of two charities; Cycling UK and Earth Trust. His career started in business, at Oliver Wyman consulting in transport, telecoms and other sectors, and then at Vodafone. He then moved to Natural England, which reignited his environmental interests. On leaving in 2010, he founded his own management consulting firm, started promoting business sustainability, and started campaigning for active travel in 2015.

Josh Matthews, Activist Analyst and Founder, cMass.

Biog, Independent “Activist Analyst” making the objective and emotive case for sustainability. Founder of Critical Mass for Sustainability: Through research, consulting, and convening partnerships, aiming to move us towards the positive tipping points that the global context needs. Previously a City Councillor in Cambridge, and the shadow cabinet member for climate, environment, and the city centre.


See the full agenda for the three day online conference here.