WEBINAR, 10 July | Connected Homes
Wednesday 10th July 2024, 14:30 – 15:30 BST.
If the nine million cylinders in UK homes were connected through smart controls and used as batteries, the National Grid could unlock 23GWh of energy storage – around half the energy used per day in the UK.
Due to the introduction of technologies, like heat pumps, which require hot water cylinders, this number could increase by 36%, increasing the energy capacity to 40GWh.
To make use of this energy storage potential, cylinders will need smart functionalities introduced either via retrofitting smart controls or brand-new smart cylinders will need to be installed with gas boilers or heat pumps.
So what steps are required to incentivise the rollout of connected thermal storage in UK homes for homeowners? This is particularly relevant given the need to prevent people from changing their hot water system to remove the cylinder completely so the number of cylinders in the UK can increase to build capacity.
Stephanie Allchurch, Product Development Manager, Altecnic.
Stuart Elsy, Manager Director, OSO Hotwater.
Chris Randall, Product Owner, Mixergy.